Knokke-Heist will have a dedicated car park for coaches. You can book a parking space by registering at . Please clearly state which city you will be visiting and on which date. We will reserve a parking space for you and you will receive a detailed itinerary.
If you intend to travel to Bruges by coach, you can park the coach in the dedicated car park in Bargeweg in Bruges, which also has a drop-off point for coaches. Send an email to to reserve a parking space. We cannot guarantee a space unless you have a booking.
Antwerp will have a dedicated car park for coaches. You can book a parking space by registering at . Please clearly state which city you will be visiting and on which date. We will reserve a parking space for you and you will receive a detailed itinerary.
Leuven will have a dedicated car park for coaches. You can book a parking space by registering at . Please clearly state which city you will be visiting and on which date. We will reserve a parking space for you and you will receive a detailed itinerary.
There are twenty spots provided in Huldenberg for coaches near the fan village. Parking is free but you need to register in advance via .