Medical Congress
Medical congress: pro@heart symposium
From 24 to 26 September, the pro@heart consortium will take place under the tagline 'Protecting the athlete by improving our knowledge of his physiology'. For three days, renowned speakers from all over the world will come together to educate physicians and other (para)medical professions and to convey a broader message to athletes, trainers and the general public.
The symposium is organised by the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases at KU Leuven and the pro@heart consortium in collaboration with the Medical Committee of Belgian Cycling. The event will take place in the Pieter De Somer Aula and in the Leuven University Hall.

The Congress is structured according to a few recurring themes, with 'Protecting the Athlete' opening the consortium. The focus will be on improving knowledge of the athlete's physiology, including how to deal with sudden cardiac failure. The benefits and use of MRI scans will also be discussed in detail. The topic 'Emerging concepts in the evaluation of the training load' will round off the programme. This takes a close look at endurance training and the consequences of "over-training".
For a more detailed programme, please visit the website of the pro@heart symposium via the button below.